Havera Eye Care Specialists

Do you have something in your eye, or maybe you are on plaquenil; Either way, we are able to take care of your needs, and are more than happy to have you join the Havera Eye Care family. There are many reasons to have a medical eye exam, and these exams differ from a comprehensive exam in that usually there is no eyeglass prescription involved. Some of the many services we offer in this category are listed below.

woman before and after treatment for conjunctivis

Diabetic eye exams

A dilated eye exam to monitor the effects of diabetes on your eyes.

Foreign object removal

When you get something in your eye and are unable to flush it out, we can take care of the extraction!

Eye infections

If your eyes are red, itchy, and have discharge, you likely have an eye infection and we can help!

Post-Op exams

If you have recently had cataracts removed or are having LASIK, we can take care of you during the healing stages to ensure you heal promptly and properly.